
The Potomac Patuxent Chapter of Trout Unlimited (PPTU) is chartered by the national organization of Trout Unlimited. PPTU is a conservation organization dedicated to the preservation of coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.  As such, we see it as an obligation, and an honor, to be active in this mission.  If we are to succeed as a TU chapter, we need all of us working together!  We need your suggestions and ideas on what we should be doing, how we cold improve on what we are already doing, and how we can make this organization more meaningful to you.  Let us know what kinds of projects you think PPTU should be sinking its human and financial resources into, and what kinds of projects you would like to get involved in.  How can we be more involved in coldwater conservation activities that would merit your interest and involvement?  Any and all ideas or suggestions are welcome, and very much appreciated!  Your opinions are instrumental in helping to formulate what we are going to do as a chapter.  Please, take a few moments to help the chapter by sending your suggestions via e-mail to mail@pptu.org.

© Potomac-Patuxent Chapter of Trout Unlimited 1999-2025
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This document last modified 03/20/18