February, 2007 Outing Report.
Yellow Breeches

I guess there are times when things are just not meant to be. The February outing had its date rescheduled twice due to conflicts and its destination changed from Big Hunting Creek to the Yellow Breeches due to ice and cold. By mid-week it looked good then a cold/flu made a preemptive strike. However, one member, Carl Smolka, did complete the mission. The report below is an excerpt of an email from him.

Did not see any of the Maryland folks up there, but there were a half dozen or so PA guys trying to keep warm. Stream temperature was 52 and air near the stream around 40 although low 30’s in the parking lot. Clear water, clear day, bit of wind. Saw a number of good sized rainbows (16” – 18”) and quite a few smaller ones (10” – 12”), but could not get any action on a variety of attempts: zebra midge, PT, Copper John, couple of egg patterns, thread midge. Only saw one fish landed – bank opposite the parking lot between 10:30 and 2:00 and the fisher had a rough time unhooking it – maybe a snag. Nice bit of water and convenient parking lot that allowed hopping back into the truck to warm up a couple of times.


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This document last modified 03/20/18